SMART MADAGACAR TOUR – Madavoyages is responsible for the proper execution of your program.

Limited liability company with a capital of 2,000,000 MGA,
Of which the Social Headquarters is located in Lot 10B Imerinafovoany Talatamaty - Antananarivo 105
Registered in the Trade and Companies Registry of Antananarivo under number 2010 B 00763
Holder of NIF numbers 2000050152,
and Statistics No. 79110 11 2010 0 108 09 ,

The purpose of this Contract is to specify the terms and conditions under which the Service Provider undertakes with the Client to carry out the realization of a tourist circuit of …… days, on the date of……………………… to ………………….., under the customer reference: ……………….whose details of the services are mentioned on the final program sent.

The products and services covered by this contract are mentioned in the detailed program, including:
– ………………………………………………………………………

The Local Agency does not sell international flights. The Customer is solely responsible for his delivery to the place of travel

This contract is concluded and accepted for a period of …… …………………from the…………………. au ……………………
Travel program valid until ………………..

Le prestataire s’engage à fournir au Client toutes les prestations convenues dans le programme validé et les services nécessaires à l’accomplissement de l’objet de la prestation pour la période indiquée.
The service provider will then intervene each time its service is requested according to what is mentioned in article 2.
The Service Provider undertakes to sell the Client the contractual products according to the prices mentioned on the detailed program and the invoice.
The customer expressly acknowledges having read the information relating to the trip in detail.
The Customer undertakes to pay the price corresponding to the confirmation of registration for the provision of services in accordance with the terms and conditions provided herein.

As part of its mission specified in article 1 of this contract, the service provider undertakes to provide the customer with the services mentioned in detail in the program, in the part "ARE INCLUDED".
The service provider undertakes to honor its obligation to inform the customer concerning the details, protection and safety of travelers and to respond sincerely to all requests for clarification required by the Customer on the content of the services.

Nous travaillons avec des collaborateurs prestataires professionnels (ayant licences, cartes professionnels, spécialisés, …)

The client undertakes to pay the full price of the agreed services in return for the performance by the service provider of its contractual commitments.

The agreement and confirmation of registration for the proposed trip must be made by any means leaving a written record: by e-mail or by order form, clearly mentioning that the customer gives his agreement for the start of the processing of his file.
A copy of the participants' Passport must be sent to TOUR MALIN MADAGASCAR. If the photocopy of the passport is not sent within the deadlines indicated by the Local Agency, the latter cannot guarantee the proper performance of the reserved services (such as the purchase of domestic flight tickets).
Registration is accepted subject to payment of a mandatory deposit.
Un acompte d’au moins cinquante pour-cent (50%) du prix total du circuit, ET la totalité des prix des vols intérieurs sont exigibles à la confirmation selon les saisons et les prestations demandées, dont quinze pour-cent (15%) non remboursable sur les frais d’annulation (cf article 11) pour la couverture des frais de dossier, acomptes non remboursables ou les règlements en totalité exigés par les prestataires partenaires du Tour Opérateur TOUR MALIN MADAGASCAR pour la réalisation du circuit et à titre de confirmation des réservations.
The balance of the payment must imperatively be settled thirty (30) days before departure on the circuit.
Any registration less than thirty (30) days before departure requires full payment of the price of the circuit, failing which the service provider cannot be required to reserve its services for the priority satisfaction of customer requests.
The service provider undertakes to send the customer a copy of the invoice at the time of the call for the deposit and this invoice will be given on the arrival of the participants in the trip.
The Customer acknowledges having a perfect knowledge of the conditions and logistics of the service provider. He is also aware of the prices charged to date by the latter, as well as the general conditions of sale, registration and payment, as described herein. Any order must therefore take into account what is described in the appendices. Thus, any unsatisfied exceptional request should not engage the responsibility of the service provider. The latter may, however, grant them with or without, depending on the cases left to his discretion, additional costs.

In accordance with banking practice in Madagascar which does not yet support online payments by credit card from abroad, payment of the deposit for confirmation will be made by transfer in SWIFT currency at no cost to us to the credit Account.
The balance of the payment can be settled by bank transfer or in cash on arrival of the customers and according to the exchange rate of the day.

Dans le cadre des présentes, le prestataire s’oblige à livrer les services et prestations de qualité, de façon professionnelle, conformes à ceux qui sont prévus dans le programme et confirmés dans le présent contrat. Les services fournis ne doivent comporter notamment de vices cachés ou apparents, ni présenter des discordances
The service provider undertakes to take out professional civil liability insurance covering civil liability.

Le Client s’assure personnellement, avant tout départ de son pays d’origine, à suivre les procédures administratives légales et prendre toutes les précautions nécessaires pour voyager sereinement et être suffisamment protégé contre toutes éventualités, qu’il soit administrativement en règle avec les formalités de police, de douane et de santé (passeport en cours de validité, possession du visa requis, le ou les autorisations de sorties de territoires pour les mineurs), le certificat de vaccination, vaccins recommandé (séjour de plus d’un mois), assurances de voyages et de prise en charge.
The Customer must ensure that his physical condition is suitable for the planned trip. The Local Agency cannot be held responsible in the event of physical insufficiency revealed during the trip.
To this end, each traveler must provide proof of a travel insurance certificate having the territory of Madagascar as an eligible coverage area and guaranteeing at least:
des prestations d’assistance aux voyageurs incluant notamment une assistance accident, maladie et imprévu, une assistance décès, une garantie pour les frais médicaux d’hospitalisation d’urgence à l’étranger, une assurance annulation (vols, voyages,etc).
– coverage for damage or loss to baggage;
- private civil liability abroad;
– COVID insurance (care, assistance, medication, consultations, evacuation, …)
In addition, the customer ensures the regular payment of the insurance premiums relating to the said guarantees.

Please note us your references and contact of your insurance company:
Reference : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Contact : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Le client reconnaît expressément avoir pris connaissance des informations relatives au voyage et qui lui ont été fournies préalablement à la remise du programme final validé et de la facture.
For your information, we mention in all our travel programs what is included and what is not in the price indicated.
En cas d’une variation de taux d’inflation générale à partir de 10% entre le moment de la confirmation et le début de la prestation, le prestataire se réserve la possibilité de réviser ses prix tant à la hausse qu’à la baisse, afin de tenir compte des variations :
*the cost of transport, linked in particular to the price of fuel;
*fees and taxes relating to the services retained such as landing, embarkation and disembarkation taxes in ports;
* currency rates included in the composition of the cost price
These economic data are retained on the date of establishment of the brochure and/or estimate. In accordance with Articles L 211-12, R.211-8 and R.211-9 of the Tourism Code, the prices provided for in the contract may be revised upwards or downwards to take account of variations in the cost of transport (fuel/ energy), royalties, taxes and exchange rates.

Le prestataire pourra à cet effet modifier la part du contrat global du voyage en l’affectant du pourcentage de la variation concernée

Le Client sera informé de toute hausse du prix total du forfait, au plus tard 03 mois avant le départ. Cette hausse s’appliquera intégralement sur la part du prix concerné. Toute révision des tarifs de vente sera notifiée au Client par écrit.

Attention : les réductions enfants ne peuvent s’appliquer aux locations de véhicules et peuvent être différentes suivant les hôtels, les prestations et les prestataires.
To this end, the service provider may modify the part of the overall travel contract by assigning it the percentage of the variation concerned. Such a modification cannot be made less than thirty (30) days before the scheduled departure.


11.1. Modification and cancellation and interruption requested by the Customer :
Toute demande de modification ou d’annulation doit immédiatement nous parvenir par email.
Any cancellation by the Customer after confirmation entails deductions from the payment according to the following conditions:
• Cancellation occurring within a period of more than sixty (60) days before the start of the circuit entails the retention by the service provider of fifteen percent (15%) of the total price including tax of the circuit; to cover application fees, non-refundable deposits or full payments required by partner service providers of the Tour Operator TOUR MALIN MADAGASCAR
• Cancellation occurring within a period between sixty (60) days up to forty-five (45) days before the start of the circuit entails the retention by the service provider of thirty-five percent (35%) of the total price including tax of the circuit ;
• Cancellation made in a period between forty-four (44) days to thirty-one (31) days before the start of the circuit entails the retention by the service provider of forty-five percent (45%) of the total price TTC of the circuit;
• Cancellation occurring within a period of thirty (30) to fifteen (15) days before the start of the circuit entails the retention by the service provider of fifty percent (50%) of the total price including tax of the circuit;
• Cancellation occurring within a period of fourteen (14) to seven (7) days before the start of the circuit entails the retention by the service provider of seventy-five percent (75%) of the total price including tax of the circuit;
• Cancellation made within a period of less than seven (7) days before the start of the circuit entails the retention by the service provider of the entire price of the circuit.

Requests for travel modification on the substantial elements of the contract such as the change of the trip or the modification of the dates or services after confirmation of registration will be the subject of a feasibility study on a case-by-case basis by the service provider taking into account the amount the costs of providing services incurred on the date of the request. In the event that the service provider is unable to satisfy such requests, they will be considered as a cancellation and will result in the application of the cancellation conditions above.
Any modification of the program made at the request of the customer can only be implemented after agreement from the Service Provider. In this case, the additional costs will be borne by the Customer.
Any shortened trip and/or any service not used voluntarily by the customer cannot give rise to a refund. The customer is required to notify the service provider by any means leaving a written record (email);
Any abandonment of a seat on the outward or return flights cannot, under any circumstances, give rise to reimbursement and the transfer to another flight is likely to involve the payment of a new seat at the normal rate. Indeed, airline tickets are generally non-refundable and/or changeable with fees.

11.2. Cancellation, modification and interruption by the Service Provider
Before departure, changes to the program (dates, times, itineraries, supervision, accommodation, etc.) may occur, for security reasons or events constituting force majeure
Each participant is then informed by email.
If this modification affects an essential element of the program, the participant has the option either to terminate the contract, without obligation of automatic reimbursement and in full of the amount paid to the Agency, or to accept the modification proposed by the service provider. , or transfer up to the amounts paid to another trip of their choice. However, the Customer may not claim any payment of compensation from the Local Agency.
Pendant le voyage, en raison d’événements constitutifs de force majeure, ou pour des raisons indépendantes de notre volonté, à l’instar des circonstances politiques, cataclysmes, grèves, climat, sécurité, annulation de vols / bateau…sans que sa responsabilité contractuelle puisse être engagée, une annulation ou des modifications de programme (dates, horaires, itinéraires, encadrement, hébergement, etc.) peuvent survenir. Le cas échéant où ces événements interviennent avant le départ en circuit, le prestataire s’engage à proposer au client différentes solutions de remplacement.

Des prestations de remplacement sont proposées au participant, suivant les faisabilités, les disponibilités et les structures / activités existants sur le lieu.

En cas de grandes différences de prix, les suppléments de prix en résultant étant alors pris en charge par le prestataire et le client suivant le cas.

The service provider retains the right to substitute in extremis other means of transport for one or more domestic flights for reasons of meteorology and other cases of force majeure, without this being considered as a breach of contract resulting in compensation for the customer.

En cas d’annulation, pour quelque raison que ce soit, les frais extérieurs aux accords souscris chez l’Agence Locale mais engagés par le Client tels que, frais de transport jusqu’au lieu de départ du voyage et retour au domicile (billets d’avion, de train ou de bus), frais d’obtention des visas, documents de voyages, frais de vaccination, ne pourront faire l’objet d’un quelconque remboursement

The service provider's liability is civil and professional towards the Client.
The service provider cannot be held liable in the event of non-performance or poor performance of the contract attributable either to the customer or to the unforeseeable and insurmountable event of a third party unrelated to the provision of the services provided in the contract, or to a case of force majeure. .
Nevertheless, the service provider may possibly study the files depending on the situation without being required to make a compulsory automatic reimbursement.
The service provider acts as the Customer's agent under the marine and air transport contract binding it to the air carrier. It cannot be held responsible for changes in schedules or routes, cancellation of Airline flights (International and / or Domestic). He cannot therefore reimburse these flights, but will assist in the implementation of any modification or reimbursement procedures, although he is often obliged to purchase domestic flights directly upon final confirmation in accordance with the details in the travel program and invoice.
Any delay suffered could not result in any compensation, for any reason whatsoever, in particular because of the modification (independent of our will) of the duration of the program initially planned or delay in a connection. Any costs (taxi, hotel, etc.) not invoiced by Tour Malin Madagascar will remain the responsibility of the customer.
Aux fins du contrat, la « force majeure » signifie tout événement qui échappe au contrôle raisonnable d’une partie et qui rend impossible l’exécution par une partie, de ses obligations ou qui rend celle-ci si difficile qu’on puisse raisonnablement la considérer comme impossible dans de telles circonstances. Les cas de force majeure comprennent, sans toutefois s’y limiter, les cas suivants : Guerres, incidents techniques (aérien, bateau, train,), pandémies d’ envergure nationale ou internationale, crises politiques prolongées, émeutes, tremblements de terre, tempêtes, incendies, explosions, inondations, et autres bouleversements climatiques, grèves, lock out ou autres actions revendicatives (à l’exception des cas où de telles grèves, lock out ou autres actions revendicatives relèvant du pouvoir de la partie invoquant la force majeure/confiscation), encombrement de l’ espace aérien, vol des billets d’ avion, insécurité, etc., dont les événements n’étaient pas contemplés au moment de date effectif du contrat.

Les événements suivants ne constituent pas des cas de forces majeures :
• Les événements résultant d’une négligence ou d’une action délibérée d’une des parties
• Events that a party acting diligently would have been likely to:
_ take into account when concluding the contract and also
_ to avoid or overcome during its contractual obligations.

In the event of failure of a service provider, if we have to cancel or modify part of the commitments, we will endeavor to modify or replace them with equivalent services.
The Service Provider cannot be held responsible for personal effects that he has not taken charge of or that have not been entrusted to him during your stay in the event of theft, oversights, loss or deterioration.

Le présent contrat pourra être résilié par anticipation par l’une ou l’autre des parties, en cas de violation de l’un quelconque des engagements stipulés dans le présent contrat, ou, dans un cas extrême de dissolution de l’une ou l’autre des parties, de liquidation ou insolvabilité de l’une ou l’autre des parties (redressement judiciaire, procédure de faillite).

Une notification sera envoyée obligatoirement au client ou au prestataire, avec une obligation à un accusé de réception, mentionnant les informations et les raisons de cette obligation à la résiliation, et les procédures et les actions à entreprendre pour un meilleur et bénéfique arrangement et accord entre le client et le prestataire.

Sans retour du client ou du prestataire, la résiliation prendra effet un mois (1) après l’envoi d’une mise en demeure restée sans effet, notifiée par lettre recommandée avec demande d’avis de réception.

Any failure in the performance of the contract, observed on site, must be reported and justified as soon as possible, in writing, by the customer to the service provider concerned, to TOUR MALIN MADAGASCAR or its representative. Any subjective assessment will not be taken into account.
Toute réclamation relative à un voyage doit être adressée à TOUR MALIN Madagascar par mail ou pli recommandé, accompagnée des justificatifs originaux ou du constat écrit de notre prestataire, dans le délai de 1 an après la date de retour. Passé ce délai, nous refuserons de prendre en compte toute réclamation.
The response time can vary from 15 days to 2 months, depending on the duration of our investigation with hotels or other service providers.
Les parties conviennent que le présent Contrat et son exécution, seront soumis aux dispositions légales et réglementaires en vigueur à Madagascar.
All disputes arising from the execution or termination of this contract will first be settled amicably. In the event of failure of said amicable settlement procedures, any dispute will be brought expressly before the competent Malagasy Court.

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