In the culture of Madagascar, the Vezo, also known as the “sea ​​nomads”, are a Malagasy people who have historically occupied the entire west coast of Madagascar and depend primarily on fishing for their livelihood. As one of the last nomadic ethnic groups in the country, the Vezo have developed a unique way of life, where they move away from their village to go to sea.

During their expeditions, they establish camps in the dunes, using the square sail of their canoes as shelter. Although the Vezo today are mainly concentrated around the city of Toliary and as far as Morombe, it is not uncommon to see them venturing further north.

Genetic and scientific studies carried out on part of the Vezo population have confirmed their ancient origin and their belonging to one of the first human groups to have populated Madagascar. They are part of the primordial heritage of the island.

However, with the rapid modernization of their environment, the culture of the Vezo is threatened and has gradually faded over time. Nevertheless, some small groups of resistance fighters continue to preserve their traditional way of life, still devoting themselves largely to fishing.

The preservation of this unique identity is essential to maintain the cultural diversity of Madagascar and to protect the ancestral heritage of the Vezo. Despite the challenges they face, these tenacious fishermen are a living reminder of the deep relationship between man and the sea, and the importance of preserving ancient traditions in an ever-changing world.

As modern society progresses, it is crucial to strike a balance between preserving traditional ways of life and embracing the benefits that progress offers. By recognizing the cultural value of the Vezo and supporting their efforts to preserve their identity, we contribute to the preservation of Madagascar's rich culture and the conservation of unique ways of life that are an integral part of our world heritage.



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